huidi xiang

cheese pedestal

site-specific installation:
modified power wheels ride-on train, foam, MDF, found fire axe toy

This installation is part of the group show Just About in the Round
Curated by Elizaveta Shneyderma
Including works by Nicholas Cueva, Josephine Devanbu, Gregory Kalliche, Ignas Krunglevicius, and Huidi Xiang
Plus “non-art objects” and spatial interventions

12/11/2022 - 02/12/2023

for more info, please visit:
Just About in Round at KAJE

Exhibition Statement:

The modern, public art exhibition—born out of a breach of contract—has become both the image and the infrastructural resource of the type of aesthetic experience art claims to yield. It is a view from nowhere.

Just About in the Round is a curatorial exercise. Themes explored here are, in the broadest terms: embellishment; feathering (to smooth or blur the edges of a feature); sculpture and modeling; in-the-roundness; plasticity; and animation, or the conscious attribution of agency to inorganic objects.

some installation shots:

all the images on this page are by Stephen Faught.