huidi xiang 



selected projects

2024  i made it.
2023  grow oranges together
2023  the ceiling is sweating
2023  when held properly,
2023  villa woodstock
2022  cheese pedestal
2022  model kit card
2022  escaping bird kit
2022  metric system
2022  koala’s march gadgets
2021   playbench in the workground
2021   column on hold
2021   an artist in minecraft
2020  aaaaapple studio
2019   hello kitty is 5 apples tall.
2019   cheese column
2019   the orchestra

latest updated: 07/02/2024
2024 © Huidi Xiang. All Rights Reserved. 


rabbit-proof fence

paint on wood, acrylic plastic
88 x 40 x 14 inches

Rabbit-Proof Fence interrogates the use of fences as instruments that dictate movement and accessibility, raising the awareness of the everyday “invisible” yet powerful interference imposed on people. Although reasonably efficient, conventional rabbit-proof fences are still not perfectly effective: rabbits can dig far deeper than the standard design accounts for. Elevating the subterranean above ground, I built a frame as high as the average depth a rabbit can dig. The frame thus becomes a door, and the fence becomes a decorative lintel.

The bunny-shape design of the fence further amplifies the shift from peremptory physical intervention to whimsical visual decoration. With such artwork, I reflect upon the recursive interaction between urban infrastructure and individual. Whereas infrastructure dominates the lives of the citizenry, individual’s personal intervention can destroy the intended functionality and ideology imposed on these structures.